Spring 2006/Pasadena

PM503: TEOLOGIA PASTORAL [Pastoral Theology]. Juan Martínez.

DESCRIPTION: The course seeks to develop an understanding in the students of the nature and forms of ministry. It will address a theology of church and ministry, and the practical areas of ministry, from the perspective of the Latino church.


  1. Reflect on the pastoral role in the life of the church.

  2. Analyze the relationship between ecclesiology, mission, and praxis.

  3. Understand the practical and legal implications of being a pastor.

  4. Develop a personal pastoral theology.

  5. Evaluate pastoral responses to issues impacting the Latino community.

RELEVANCE FOR MINISTRY: Students need to develop a solid theological foundation for church and ministry and to develop pastoral resources for ministry in the Latino community.

COURSE FORMAT: The course will be organized around class presentations, discussions, group activities and analysis of the required readings. Student participation will be part of the final evaluation. The class will meet twice a week for two-hour sessions.

Driver, Juan. Imágenes de una iglesia en misión. Guatemala: Ediciones Semilla, 1998.

Floristán, Casiano. Teología práctica. España: Ediciones Sígueme, 1998.

Granberg-Michaelson, Wesley. Leadership From Inside Out. New York: Crossroad, 2004.

Padilla, C. René, y Yamamori, Tetsunao, eds. La iglesia local como agente de transformación. Kairós, 2003.

Senge, Peter. La Quinta disciplina. Ediciones Granica, 1998.

Manual de ministros/Ministers' Manual. (Use one from your own tradition.)

Barrientos, Alberto. Principios y alternativas del trabajo pastoral. Miami: Editorial Caribe, 1989.

Castro, Emilio. Hacia una pastoral latinoamericana. Costa Rica: INDEF, 1974.

Driver, Juan. Contra corriente. Guatemala: Ediciones Semilla, 1998.

Figueroa, Inés. El proceso administrativo en la iglesia. Miami: Caribe, 1999.

Martínez, Juan F., and Scott, Luis, eds. Iglesias peregrinas en busca de identidad. Kairos, 2004.

  1. Develop a concrete pastoral response to an issue impacting the Latino community. Students will work together throughout the quarter on a specific issue and then write individual papers on their perspective (3-5 pages).

  2. Develop a series of 4-6 sermons on the concept of a missional church using one of the biblical images of a church in mission presented in Driver (Imágenes de una iglesia en misión).

  3. Write a short summary of each required text using the model to be presented in class.

  4. Write a personal pastoral theology(5-8 pages). How do I understand pastoral work and my role as a pastor in the Latino North American setting? It should include an understanding of ordination.


RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets the MDiv Core requirement in Pastoral Ministry and Theology (MIN6).