Winter 2006/Pasadena

NS501: NEW TESTAMENT 2: ACTS-REVELATION (Taught in Korean). Joseph S. Park.

DESCRIPTION: This course is an introduction to the New Testament books from Acts through Revelation. In addition to the primarily historical task of establishing the authorship, date, provenance, and occasion for the writing of these books, the course will also embark on the exegetical task of literary and grammatical analysis. It is hoped that this will lead to a basic understanding of the theologies of the individual New Testament books, as well as significant areas of agreement and disagreement among them.

COURSE OBJECTIVES/LEARNING OUTCOMES: After successfully completing this course the student is expected to be aware of contemporary academic discussion concerning, and be able to present his or her informed position regarding, such historical questions as the authorship and date of the New Testament books from Acts through Revelation. Of course, this knowledge about these New Testament books is intended to be complemented by knowledge of the writings, that is, their ethical, theological, and historical content. The student is thus prepared for more advanced courses in New Testament interpretation, after which he or she can be seen as ready for basic preaching and teaching from the New Testament.

RELEVANCE FOR MINISTRY: Any Christian ministry, especially one which involves preaching or teaching, requires at least a basic knowledge of the New Testament and its historical and theological background.

COURSE FORMAT: The course will be a combination of lectures, in-class review of the assigned reading materials, and discussion of questions raised by students. The class will meet once weekly for three -hour sessions.


Bruce, F. F. Baul sinhak. Translated by Won-t`ae Chong. Seoul: Gidokkyo Munso Son'gyohoe, 1987. Translation of Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1986.

Gundry, R. H. Sinyak gaeron. Translated by Il-Woo Kim. Seoul: Emmaus Publishing Company, 1992. Translation of A Survey of the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1981.

In addition, students will be expected to read 100 pages from one or more of the sources below.

Barrett, C. K. The New Testament Background. Rev. ed. Harper, 1995.

Koester, H. Sinyak songso paegyong yongu. Translated by Ok-pu Yi. Seoul: Unsong, 1996. Translation of Introduction to the New Testament: History, Culture, and Religion of the Hellenistic Age.

Kümmel, W. G. Sinyak Songso sinhak Yesu.Paul.Yohan. Translated by Ch`ang-gon Pak. Soul: Songgwang Munhwasa, 1987. Translation of Die Theologie des Neuen Testaments nach seinen Hauptzeugen Jesus.Paulus.Johannes.

Ladd, G. E. Sinyak sinhak. Translated by Han-su Yi and Song-jong Sin. Seoul: Daehan Gidokkyo Sohoe, 2001. Translation of A Theology of the New Testament. Rev. ed. Eerdmans, 1993.

  1. Weekly quizzes on reading assignments (40%).

  2. Two five-page papers on an exegetical/historical issue (40%):
    a. in Galatians
    b. in Revelation

  3. An essay-style final examination based on readings and lectures (30%).


RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets MDiv Core requirement in New Testament 2 (NT2).