Fall 2004/Pasadena

LG502A: HEBREO ELEMENTAL [Beginning Hebrew]. Benjamín Galán.


This is the first half of a two-quarter introduction to biblical Hebrew; the second half of the course will be offered in the Winter quarter. Students enrolling in the Fall quarter are expected to complete their study in the Winter quarter with the same instructor. No transferring between sections is permitted. The course will seek to develop the mastery of elementary Hebrew grammar and vocabulary, and translation of exercises from the textbook and the Hebrew Bible as well as provide an introduction to the use of reference material for the reading and translation of Hebrew. At the end of the course, the student will be able to read and translate portions of the Hebrew Bible for the purpose of exegeting the material.

The study of biblical Hebrew will help students to better handle the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15). Almost two thirds of the Scriptures were written in Hebrew. Learning this language will open a window into the culture and history of the biblical text, enabling us to deal with Scripture more correctly. In this introductory course the students will lay the linguistic foundations for future exegetical courses.

This course will meet twice a week for two-hour sessions. We will introduce two new lessons from the textbook in each class by means of class presentations. Each lesson will be followed by selected exercises, which will be examples for students' homework.

Elliger, Karl and Wilhelm Rudolph, eds. Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1990.

Lambdin, Thomas O. Introducción al hebreo bíblico. Estella (Navarra): Editorial Verbo Divino, 2001.

Vázquez Allegue, Jaime. Diccionario bíblico hebreo-español español-hebreo. Estella (Navarra): Editorial Verbo Divino, 2002.
See the Biblical Division bibliography "Linguistic and Exegetical Books Required in the Master of Divinity Program" available in the SOT Academic Advising office.

Williams, Ronald J. Hebrew Syntax: An Outline. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1976.

  1. Attend class on time every session. See Fuller's official position about attendance in the 2004-2005 Student Handbook.

  2. Read the lessons in the textbook that will be covered that day.

  3. Vocabulary quizzes.

  4. Complete the exercises that are assigned and be prepared to hand them in on request.

  5. Take four (4) tests during the term.

  6. Take a final exam.

Spanish. No audits.

The two-course sequence meets M. Div. core requirement in Hebrew (HEB).
