Fall 2004/Pasadena

EV519: EVANGELISMO ENTRE HISPANOS [Evangelism among Hispanics]. Juan Carlos Miranda.


The nature, methods and approaches of evangelism in relation to the nature, problems and needs of urban Hispanic communities.

The course is designed to motivate the student to review the biblical, theological, historical and practical areas of evangelism and develop an evangelistic plan for the church or ministry of the student present ministry among Hispanics.

The class will meet for 3 hours a week for 10 weeks.
A.  This course is designed to be participatory in methodology. A key factor in the effectiveness of this method will be the student advance preparation for each class.
B.  There will be brief lectures by the professor and possibly guest lecturers, (experienced evangelists and/or pastors), discussions of assigned readings, student's reports, and the presentation of a student project will highlight and supplement their own study.
C.  Attendance, being on time to classes, and turning in assignments when required will be reflected in the grades.

Ferreira, Damy Evangelización Total. El Paso, TX: Editorial Mundo Hispano, 1996.
Green, Michael. La iglesia local, Agente de Evangelización. Grand Rapids, MI: Nueva Creación, 1996. (Textbook.)
Macchia, A. Stephen. Como lograr una iglesia sana. El Paso, TX: Editorial Mundo Hispano, 2002.
Sanchez, Daniel. Como sembrar iglesias en el siglo XXI. El Paso, TX: Editorial Mundo Hispano, 2001.

  1. Write on both sides of a 4 X 6 card, one short paragraph that has challenged you for each of the chapters in the textbook (Green, La iglesia local) and interact with it. Cards are to be turned in the day the chapter or chapters are to be discussed. 25%

  2. Read and report on each of the other three required reading books (Ferreira, Macchia, Sanchez) according to the class assigned schedule. The reports should demonstrate the understanding of the book contents and reflection or interaction with the author. These reports should not be longer than two pages long, single-spaced.15%

  3. Read a book of the student's selection from the list to be distributed in the general area of evangelism. Prepare a written report of not more than two single-spaced typewritten pages in length.10%

  4. Write a major Evangelism Project paper (15 double-spaced typed pages, not counting charts, diagrams, pictures, etc.) presenting a strategy for an Evangelistic program in an area of the student's specific future interest. The paper should be based on research, class materials, experiences, and include an extensive bibliography. There may be an oral presentation of this project, by students, to the class. 50%


Meets M. Div. core requirement in Evangelism (MIN3).