Summer 2004/Pasadena
Two-week Intensive: August 2-13
TM521 (Spanish)

TM521: CONGREGACIONES EN EL MUNDO: LA IGLESIA LOCAL COMO AGENTE DE TRANSFORMACIÓN INTEGRAL (Congregations in the World: The Local Church as an Agent for Holistic Transformation). Juan Martínez and C. René Padilla.


This course focuses on how the laity and clergy of a congregation can engage the world missionally. As a faith community being transformed by the gospel, a church loves, does good, seeks justice, invites and celebrates. Biblical, theological and practical foundations will be developed to support an "incarnational" approach for the congregation's missional life. Topics include relating careers to mission, community organizing, evangelism, linking churches for policy work, developing collaborations and non-profit organizations, relating mission to spirituality, and maintaining a praxis orientation.

Cognitive: the development of evangelical thought concerning holistic mission with special attention to the last few decades and in conversation with Latin American leaders; Skills: abilities to do theological reflection on ecclesiology and missiology toward a praxis approach to transformational ministry and leadership development; Internet research on demographics; Affective: vision for and commitment to forming congregations that engage their local setting and the world in transformational mission.

Two-week intensive. Week One: Monday-Friday, 1:00-5:00 pm daily. Week Two: Monday- Thursday at various locations in LA County, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm; on Friday in the Fuller computer lab, 8:00 am - 12 noon. Class will include lectures, individual and group exercises, reflective discussions of materials and experiences, field trips, and training in demographic research.

Myers, Bryant. Caminar con los pobres. Kairós, 2002.

Padilla, C. René. Misión integral. Nueva Creación, 1986.

Padilla, C. René y Yamamori, Tetsunao, eds. Misión integral y pobreza. Kairós, 2001.

__________. La iglesia local como agente de transformación. Kairós, 2003.

Course Reader (Spanish version).

Bullón, H. Fernando. Misión y desarrollo en América Latina. Kairós, 2000.

Escobar, Samuel. Tiempo de misión. Semilla, 1999.

Kinsler, Ross and Gloria Kinsler. El jubileo bíblico y la lucha por la vida. UBL, 2000.

López, Darío. Pentecostalismo y transformación social. Kairós, 2000.

Miguez Bonino, José. Rostros del protestantismo latinoamericano. Nueva Creación, 1995.

(1) Attend class, maintain Student Report Sheet. (2) Read texts and articles on time. Books by Escobar and Padilla/Yamamori must be completed early in the first week. Complete schedule of reading deadlines can be requested from Dr. Martínez ( (3) In-class exam on readings. (4) Reflective essay (1000 words) on presentations by Dr. Padilla (due August 20). (5) Write a 3000-4000 word term paper on the theology and practice of church-based transformational mission (due Sept 3). (6) To pursue an A, complete an overview of 6 other recommended books.


Meets M. Div. core requirement in missions (MIN8) and M.A. globalization requirement (GLBL).