Winter 2020/Pasadena



BI500: INTERPRETIVE PRACTICES (4 Units: 162 hours). Chris Blumhofer.

DESCRIPTION: This course introduces interpretive approaches and practices for students of the Bible. Students will consider the aims and assumptions of biblical interpretation, become familiar with major resources for study of the Bible, interpret a variety of biblical texts in both testaments, and reflect upon the manner in which the varied contexts (e.g., social, cultural, theological) of the biblical world and contemporary readers inform interpretation.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Students successfully completing this course will have demonstrated (1) the capacity to engage in close study of a variety of passages in the Bible prior to engaging in conversation with various scholarly resources; (2) judicious use of critical tools and resources for the study of biblical texts; (3) critical reflection on the theory of interpretation; (4) practice with interpreting a variety of biblical texts from both testaments, with consideration of the varied contexts of both the biblical materials and contemporary readers; and (5) skill in developing interpretations that engage contemporary concerns, and that encourage and challenge the church to remain faithful to its mission.

RELATIONSHIP TO PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES: This course will provide students with further practice in interpreting a variety of texts from the Bible, from a variety of perspectives, which is consistent with the SOT PLO “Students will have demonstrated competence in the practice of biblical interpretation for faithful use of Scripture in their own lives and ministries”(MDiv, MAT, MATM).

COURSE FORMAT: This class meets twice weekly for two hour sessions for a total of 40 instructional hours in the classroom for lecture and discussion.

REQUIRED READING: 970 pages of required reading.

Reading the books of 1 Samuel and Philippians, as well as other passages as assigned (CEB, TNIV, or NRSV translation) [apr. 100 pages].

Chapman, Stephen. 1 Samuel as Christian Scripture. Eerdmans, 2016. ISBN: 978-0802837455, Pub. Price $36.00. This book is available from the Fuller Library as an eBook [260 pages].

Fowl, Stephen. Philippians. Two Horizons Commentary Series. Eerdmans, 2005. ISBN: 978-0802825513, Pub. Price $26.00 [235 pages].

Green, Joel. Seized by Truth. Abingdon, 2007. ISBN: 978-0687023554, Pub. Price $28.99. This book is available from the Fuller Library as an eBook [175 pages].

Selected readings on Canvas by Augustine, Robert Alter, Brian Blount, Ellen Davis, Robert Ekblad, Justo González, Robert Jenson, Richard Hays, Elsa Tamez, and others. [apr. 200 pages].


  1. Instructional time [40 hours].
  2. 970 pages of required reading [This assignment is related to learning outcomes #1, 3, 5]. [80 hours].
  3. Completion of seven 1-page papers (500 words each) on various aspects of interpretation (50%). [This assignment is related to learn outcomes # 3, 5.] [21 hours].
  4. Annotated reflection paper (6 pages; 1750 words; interpretive assignment). (30%). [This assignment is related to learning outcomes #2, 5]. [21 hours].
  5. Participation in class discussion (20% of final grade).


RELATIONSHIP TO CURRICULUM: Meets a core requirement in the 120 MDiv and the 80 MAT, 80 MATM, 80 MAICS Programs (Fall 2015). Meets the HERM requirement in the 144 MDiv Program.


NOTE: This ECD is a reliable guide to the course design but is subject to modification. Textbook prices are set by publishers and are subject to change. Copyright 2019 Fuller Theological Seminary.